⚓️ - Tidebreaker, the Bastard Storm

❝ No rest for the weary or the wicked.A hapless fool possessed of both a gentleman's air and a lunatic's bravado, Aifread being a measure of both at any given moment. With his missing eye, the smirk on his lips, and his casual look of indifference the man is the very picture of the roguish pirate he claims to be.

• name : Aifread Sparda
• titles : Tidebreaker, the Bastard Storm
• gender : He / Him
• orientation : Pansexual
• race : Dalmascan Elezen
• age : 49
• nameday : 27th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon (7/27)
• guardian : Oschon, and Faram
• occupation : Pirate Captain, Relic Hunter, and Trader
• voice claim : Captain Flint, Black SailsPHYSICAL .
• eyes : Golden hazel
• hair : Brown with a reddish tint
• height : 7 fulm and 3 ilm (7'3)
• build : Muscular
• skin : Tanned
• scent : Oud, Salt, and Fir
• notable features : Aside from his missing eye his back is a patchwork of scars with some on his chest and arms as well.MENTAL .
• alignment : Chaotic Good
• likes : Liquor, Antique Coins, Travelling, Tinkering, Whittling, Mixing drinks, Hunting and Spearfishing
• dislikes : Sanctimonious folk, Politics, Stagnation, Slavery.

• birthplace : Dalmasca
• current residence : His ship, The Albatross, has been spotted all throughout the waters of the Bounty. But has had sightings ranging all over from Hingashi to Tural.
• parents : Fatima Solfaren (mother, deceased), Khalid Solfaren (father, deceased)❝ +
POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : Confident, Courageous, Kind, Passionate, Self-Sacrificing, Witty.❝ -
NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : Braggadocious, Cocky, Vain, Impulsive, Rash, Conniving, Reticent.
• melee : Viper
• ranged : Machinist
• tank : Gunbreaker
• healer : Sage
Idiot, Showman, Bastard, Thief, and Romantic. Those are just a handful of the words that have been used to describe the man over the years.An unrepentant rake, Aifread has never been shy about plying his charms. His silver tongue and flirtatious ways has landed him in his fair share of trouble. But it often serves a purpose as people divulge their thoughts while he had revealed little of his own. That all makes It jarring for those who are witness to the jaunty mans ruthlessness and casual brutality, dealing with those who cross him with indifference.
For behind the swagger and posturing, and beneath the smirking indifference lies a cunning mind. Despite what may look to be acts of bravado and brashness to the outsider looking in each decision Aifread makes is carefully weighed and considered ... usually.The man is also an individualist to his core, living for no one's sake but for his own beliefs. Discarding established morality to follow his own experiences, code of ethics, and those he calls a part of his crew. A fierce believer in freedom and being the adjudicator of one's own fate.Truthfully the more there is to add together of the man, the less the pieces wish to come together.
History (WIP)
▍ ❝ I.
Aifread was born on the distant shores of Othard and specifically in the Kingdom of Dalmasca, growing up in a village on the borders of the kingdom near the Golmore jungle. He was born to a loving couple, his mother a huntress and leatherworker, and his father a carpenter. The both of them teaching the young Elezen their trades which he took to with a natural propensity.Humble beginningsBut even as a young man he already knew he wanted more for himself and more from the world. He had felt it most keenly during his first visit to the Royal City of Rabanastre. To have been surrounded by the throngs of people crowding all around you, to the point that you could lose even yourself in all of it's splendour. The experience had changed him.So he'd visit the city as often as he could, hanging out in taverns and near the cities gates to see and hear from travelers and adventurers. This would also naturally bring him to the so called Lowtown, home to the cities impoverished and other cast offs by society. Admittedly he was at first scammed by a conman, spending a few visits trying to reclaim his lost coin, but he'd soon be taken in by a local gang of orphans as one of their own. The little hellions teaching him all the ins and outs of both the city and of what amateurish larceny they knew.He'd also quickly learn of the disparity in the world as he saw those who starved within sight of those who feast, surrounded by enough treasure to last them ten lifetimes. He'd learn of how cruel and mercurial the world could be as well learning of those who would gladly turn predator to their kin.
▍ ❝ II.
Aifread drank it all in like a man whose thirst refused to be sated.Though all of what he would learn would be of no use when he was but 16 years of age as the Garlean Empire set it's war marchines sights on Dalmasca.He and his parents were in the city at the time, selling what stock of leather and pelts they had as the news of the invasion came to them. Or rather his parents were selling them while he had snuck away to meet with his friends. They came from on high, in what were then new airships. A crack of noise, like thunder, erupted as explosions occurred all througout the city. In the chaos that began he got separated from his friend, choosing now to look for his parents in the mass of people scrambling for shelter.They somehow found each other in that mess but were now coralled in as people ran around like headless chickens. As they slowly made their way to the gates, to try and get far from the city, did he feel it.Two hands on his back shoved him forward and as he looked back he saw his parents, desperation and a mournful hope in their eyes, as a crumbling tower fell on to them.That was the last he'd felt and seen of them again.It would haunt him in the aftermath and in the years after if only he hadn't snuck away, if only he'd stayed with them, they wouldn't have wasted time and gotten boxed in and could've made it out of the city faster.Maybe then they'd still be alive.
▍ ❝ III.
But in the immediate moments after he didn't have time to mourn or grieve as he kept making his way out of the city, pushed along by the still substantial mob of people all making their way out of the city and ultimately for some;Out of Dalmasca and Othard altogether.Through determination, desperation, or perhaps both he managed to make it to a port city. Stowing away in one of the last boats to leave Dalmascan shores. Which is how a young Aifread, now orphaned and overwhelmed, found himself bound for Eorzea.
▍ ❝ Hearken Ye' Salts.
Aifread is all too glad to talk to those who know the seas as he does. Falling easily into talking shop as one could call it.
▍ ❝ Black Flags and Black Markets.
Aifread is often seen moving more legal cargo these days but he hasn't lost his touch with his roots, smuggling and contraband. If one is in need of getting their goods moved quick or in acquiring less than legal products he'll ensure professional service no matter the cargo.
▍ ❝ Good with his Hands.
He's a capable craftsman and engineer. Having a longstanding, if at times aggravating, relationship with the Skysteel Manufactory of Ishgard. Everything from his ship to his personal arms has a mark of his personal touch.▍ ❝ Social Chameleon.
Aifread flits between the upper and lower class as easily as some people would breathe, putting on the appropriate airs as his company would demand. But in his heart of hearts he belongs with the lowborn, the thieves and whores who were and still are his people after they'd taken him on as a stranger to Eorzea's shores.
▍ ❝ Bastard Storm.
Aifread has a habit of collecting pieces from Primals he has either fought or ran into, using them to make trinkets or accessories for himself. They're both trophies and a way to access further power through channeling the Primals Aether. Harnessing that strength however has a price.▍ ❝ Alcoholic Artisan.
Of his many guilty pleasures liquor is easily the one he's most culpable of. But think not of him as a simple tavern drunkard for his passion extends to crafting fine drinks and not solely in imbibing of them. A passion he practices in a small out of the way bar he opens once a blue moon.
The names Void! I'm 26, he/him, and I am Filipino. My timezone is GMT+8
I play on NA and I'm in a timezone with a large time difference to most folks so you can find me in game during some pretty odd hours.
I am WU/T friendly, if my RP tag is on feel free to approach!
I rarely ERP and even then usually only with people I already know and trust. If that's what you're interested in that please be up front about it.
I am not strict with lore as I do bend it myself but would prefer to not completely break it.
Keep IC and OOC separate, do not blur the lines.
My muse is often at the mercy of my ADHD so I apologize if my replies can take some time. Likewise though don't worry if your own replies take a while, IRL comes first!